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Must Have Golf Gadgets

After you spend your money on top-of-the-line golf clubs, all the latest golf fashions, and more golf balls and tees than you could possibly hope to lose in any given golf trip, we have three more of the top golf add-ons you should consider. And these are great golf gift ideas for any golfer! The following four options are in no way necessary to be a great golfer, but they just might help improve the quality of your golf game, and therefore create a more enjoyable round of golf every time you play.

Smart Phone Scoring App

Are you the guy that is stuck tallying score sheets at the end of the round instead of reminiscing about your great shot? GolfThere's Leaderboard is your free spreadsheet guru on the course. Manage real time scoring, groups & leaders, and track bets. Keep up and compare scores with your golfing buddies on the course by checking the leader board throughout the round. Score one golfer or an entire group, league, tournament or event. View hole-by-hole progress and follow the leaders throughout the round and know exactly where you stand. Improve your golf game with this effortless real-time scoring leader board. The GolfThere's Leaderboard App is a web-app so all you need to do is go to the Apple App Store or Google Play from your smartphone and you're on your way to free and easy scoring!

Range Finder

Every man loves his gadgets, and the golfer is surely no exception. Though not initially intended to improve your golf game, range finders have quickly become a popular golf gadget. Amateur golfers can use the range finder to gauge distance between where they are on the course, and where they want the ball to be, in hopes of creating more accurate shots. A range finder would come in handy as you will most likely be playing courses you are not familiar with. As an added bonus, the range finder helps to speed up play because you won’t be searching frantically for those sprinkler heads and yardage markers at every shot. If you don’t want to dig into your pocket book to purchase your own range finder, GolfThere makes it easy on you by having them available for rent during your travels. Be sure to ask your golf sales specialist about the range finder.

Travel Bag

The travel bag might not be the most glamorous add-on to your golf repertoire, but it is essential if you often travel to golf destinations. There are a variety of options with a travel bag including hard and soft covers, depending on how often you travel and how much you’re willing to spend. A travel bag should be seen as an investment. Your golf clubs probably weren't cheap and it would be a shame to see them damaged if it could have been prevented. Today you can easily do a quick internet search for golf travel bags and find many options as well as customer reviews on the latest products. If you’re flying to your travel destination, you will want to figure out the best way to travel with your clubs.

Rain Suit

Don’t let a little rain keep you from playing your scheduled rounds of golf, just bring a rain suit. A waterproof suit will assure that you stay dry underneath, even during heavy rain. A good rain suit might be a bit pricey, but a top of the line suit does more than just keep the rain off of you during those summer showers that might spring up during your golf vacation package. A good rain suit can also serve as wind protection and be used on chilly days when your golf slacks can’t be trusted to keep you warm. Don’t let a little undesirable weather keep you from perfecting your back swing, simply invest in some good rain gear.

Let GolfThere put together a perfect golf vacation package for you. Give us a call and speak with one of our golf sales specialists about what you’re looking for in a trip, and don’t forget to add in a range finder or download our free scoring app!